Hugh Jackman played the role of Wolverine 12 times in the past 17 years

After nearly 2 decades of existence with a total of 12 films, does it make you curious about how the appearance of Wolverine has changed over all these years? If you want to know, don’t skip this article!

It’s been 17 years since the first X-Men movie was released under the direction of director Bryan Singer, so of course during that time, our werewolf guy also had to change his appearance accordingly. positive direction to be more suitable.

Hugh Jackman’s appearance changed over time through the X-Men movies.

So let’s look back at images from the past to the present to see how Wolverine has changed 9 times in so many years!

Image of Hugh Jackman as Werewolf Logan in his first days on screen in the movie X-Men produced in 2000.

The fervent admiration of the fans for the Wolfman made director Bryan Singer decide to bring Hugh Jackman back in part 2 produced in 2003 with the same appearance.

Although his appearance has not changed too much, Logan is probably the character that still maintains the most stable performance in the 2006 film X-Men: The Last Stand compared to the previous two parts.

X-Men Original: Wolverine produced in 2009 revealed the background and origin of the character Logan. At this time, the appearance of the Wolf looks much more dusty and weathered.

The werewolf appeared briefly in the middle of the 2011 movie X-Men: First Class with rude gestures and very Logan curses.

In The Wolverine produced in 2013, Logan appeared hauntingly with messy hair, easily angered and often tormented by nightmares.

Logan in the 2014 film X-Men: Day of Future Past is very mature, looking like a mutant big brother.

Once again, Logan only appeared as a cameo in the middle of the movie X-Men: Apocalypse produced in 2016 but still made a strong impression on the audience with his characteristic “crazy quality”.

Hugh Jackman’s salt-and-pepper hair, shaggy beard, and austere expression as the Wolverine were last seen in the Logan movie released in 2017.

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