“Fascinated” cute black-eared, red-haired kitten is extremely dangerous

In addition to the ability to run and jump super high, this cat can also swim under water to catch fish and climb trees to catch birds.

This is a kitten of the caracal breed, or black-eared lynx.

This is a kitten of the caracal breed, or black-eared lynx.

The word “caracal” comes from the Turkish word “kara kulak”, which means “black ear”.
The word “caracal” comes from the Turkish word “kara kulak”, which means “black ear”.

True to its name, this black-eared lynx has a reddish-brown coat with a pair of high-pointed ears, above which there is a prominent long-growing black tuft.

True to its name, this black-eared lynx has a reddish-brown coat with a pair of high-pointed ears, above which there is a prominent long-growing black tuft.

Depending on the region, their coat color is different, ranging from beige to red.
Depending on the region, their coat color is different, ranging from beige to red.

This cat breed is a mixture of leopard and lynx, with a slender body and two pairs of long legs.

This cat breed is a mixture of leopard and lynx, with a slender body and two pairs of long legs.

They live mainly in Africa, the Middle East and India.
They live mainly in Africa, the Middle East and India.

Although the body is considered small in the cat family, an adult can weigh up to 22.6kg.

Although the body is considered small in the cat family, an adult can weigh up to 22.6kg.

They can run at speeds of 80km/h and knock out an adult in the blink of an eye.
They can run at speeds of 80km/h and knock out an adult in the blink of an eye.

They are usually solitary, but sometimes come in pairs, especially during the breeding season.

They are usually solitary, but sometimes come in pairs, especially during the breeding season.

This cat is very good at climbing trees, they also often dig underground burrows to give birth.
This cat is very good at climbing trees, they also often dig underground burrows to give birth.

The baby lynx, after being strong enough (about 9-10 months) will roll with the wild life on its own.

The baby lynx, after being strong enough (about 9-10 months) will roll with the wild life on its own.

Because they live mainly in places with harsh climatic conditions, this lynx drinks almost no water.
Because they live mainly in places with harsh climatic conditions, this lynx drinks almost no water.

In fact, most of the water they need comes from the food they catch.

In fact, most of the water they need comes from the food they catch.

Their food is mostly rabbits and squirrels, mice.
Their food is mostly rabbits and squirrels, mice.

But sometimes they also eat fish with excellent swimming ability.

But sometimes they also eat fish with excellent swimming ability.

In addition, the ability to climb and jump super high also helps them easily catch birds.
In addition, the ability to climb and jump super high also helps them easily catch birds.

Most of them only work at dawn and dusk.

Most of them only work at dawn and dusk.

Although they are wild animals, because of their good relationship with humans, they are often kept in the house like domestic cats and dogs.
Although they are wild animals, because of their good relationship with humans, they are often kept in the house like domestic cats and dogs.

This cat is quite intelligent and lovely, so if tamed and trained, they are also obedient like domestic cats.

This cat is quite intelligent and lovely, so if tamed and trained, they are also obedient like domestic cats.

In ancient times, the Iranians and Indians used to train this black-eared lemur to hunt.
In ancient times, the Iranians and Indians used to train this black-eared lemur to hunt.

But in general, because they cause a lot of trouble for pets, they are often killed by farmers.
But in general, because they cause a lot of trouble for pets, they are often killed by farmers.

This species is not currently in the endangered group.
This species is not currently in the endangered group.

But in the future, with climate change and habitat reduction, perhaps more attention should be paid to the conservation of this beautiful animal.
But in the future, with climate change and habitat reduction, perhaps more attention should be paid to the conservation of this beautiful animal.

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