Hugh Jackman Says Wolverine Will Return But Doesn’t Think People Want to See Him Crossover With Deadpool

I thought Logan was the perfect final Wolverine film for Hugh Jackman to star in. That was an incredible film, and I’d be fine if we never saw Jackman in the role of Wolverine again after that movie.

But, of course, fans would like to see the character return, and in a recent interview with People, Jackman said that Wolverine will return, but not with him. When asked about the character he said:

“Oh, Wolverine will be back. Someone’s going to buy him, I don’t know.”

The person conducting the interview said, “not you though,” and that’s when Jackman brought up the Wolverine and Deadpool crossover movie, explaining that he thinks people don’t want to see that film!

“No, but Ryan is relentless. He keeps coming back to me in all these ways, shapes and forms. I just said, ‘You know, I just don’t think the world really wants to see Deadpool with Wolverine.’ Maybe a cameo from Deadpool? I just think it runs over it for Deadpool.”

I don’t know what world Jackman is living in, but in the world that I live in, people would love to see a Deadpool and Wolverine movie!

I doubt it will happen. The closest thing we’ll ever get already happened with X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and most of us would like to pretend that movie never happened. But it’s safe to say that one day, we will see a new version of Wolverine on the big screen under the official Marvel Studios banner. It’ll probably be a very long time before we see that happen, though.

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