The 15 Best Plants for Bedrooms To Help You Sleep Better


Plants are the secret to great décor—just look at your nearest interior design magazine for proof. Not only do they add sculptural interest in a space and make it feel more organic and close to nature, but they also have a slew of health benefits, from purifying the air to helping you sleep.1 For those reasons, the bedroom really is one of the best spaces in your home to add a plant or two.

There are so many benefits to having indoor plants—and specifically, plants in the bedroom, according to Joyce Mast, the resident Plant Mom at Bloomscape. “If you’re looking to create a zen environment, plants can increase creativity and reduce stress,” she notes. “To me, plants improve our mental outlook by providing ‘gezellig,’ a Dutch word meaning a feeling of coziness, comfort, and relaxation. Plants give us all a sense of well-being.”

One place in great need of zen is the bedroom, and we’re here to round up the best plant options for this space in your home, whether your bedroom has lots of natural light, needs an air-purifying option, or one that is safe for pets—and Plant Mom is here to help guide us along the way.

Meet the Expert

Joyce Mast is Bloomscape’s official Plant Mom, with over 20 years of experience in horticulture and plant expertise. She curates and cares for the plants in the Bloomscape greenhouse before they reach customers everywhere.

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Snake Plant


  • Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata
  • Sun Exposure: Low to bright, indirect light
  • Soil Type: Free-draining cactus or succulent mix
  • Soil pH: 4.5 to 7.0

If you’ve been known to have a black thumb, this plant is the one for you.

“The versatile Sansevieria—aka Snake plant—is the perfect bedroom plant,” Mast says. She notes that this plant converts CO2 into oxygen at night rather than during the day, ensuring pure air while you sleep.

“This plant is a bulletproof option, as it doesn’t require much water and can handle both bright sunny windows and lower light areas,” Mast notes. If you have limited space in your bedroom, consider using smaller versions of Sansevierias like Moonshine for shelves, window sills, or a nightstand. 

The Sill Snake Plant Laurentii $24.00

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  • Botanical Name: Monstera deliciosa
  • Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light
  • Soil Type: Well-drained potting mix
  • Soil pH: 5.5 to 7.0

No doubt you’ve come across this plant in dozens of interior photos—its huge, Swiss cheese-like leaves are unmistakable and instantly add a jungle vibe to any space.

“Monsteras are great because they can grow just about anywhere,” Mast says. “These plants tolerate low light, but grow faster and become more dramatic in a bright spot within your home. I like to place monsteras in bright indirect sunspaces.”

That said, Mast suggests avoiding strong, direct sunlight because it will burn the leaves.

Remember to spin the monstera plant every so often so the leaves grow evenly.


Bloomscpae Monstera $150.00

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Heartleaf Philodendron


  • Botanical Name: Philodendron hederaceum
  • Sun Exposure: Low to bright, indirect light
  • Soil Type: Peat moss-based potting mix
  • Soil pH: 6.0 to 7.0

Another trailing jungle vine, the heartleaf philodendron is easy to mistake for pothos, though their care and growth habit is similar. You’ll know it by its truly heart-shaped, smooth-surfaced leaves.

“The Philodendron is a fast-growing and easy plant with graceful, heart-shaped leaves,” Mast says. “Its trailing vines are perfect for hanging on the walls of your bedroom or placed on top of a high shelf, as they will naturally spill and trail as they grow. This plant is very easy to care for, as it is incredibly forgiving and will tolerate all kinds of neglect including low light, poor soil, and inconsistent watering.” 

Variegated types like ‘Brasil’ are some of the prettiest, with shiny leaves streaked in deep and lime green. Another, known as blushing philodendron, has red stems and bright pink streaks on its leaves. 

Propagating heartleaf philodendron into a new plant (or several) couldn’t be easier. Like pothos, simply trim a vine that includes a leaf nodule and place it in a glass of water to root, then plant in soil.

Bloomscape Philodendron Heartleaf $35.00

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  • Botanical Name: Lavandula
  • Sun Exposure: Full sun
  • Soil Type: Well-draining vegetable soil mix
  • Soil pH: 6.7 to 7.3

If you’ve got a bright, south-facing window in your bedroom, a lavender plant would be a worthy addition to your collection. You’ve likely heard of the benefits of lavender essential oil—anti-anxiety, sleep aide, stress relief, to name a few—but did you know you can get many of the same benefits from the plant?

When your flowers bloom, cut off at the stems to display in a bouquet or dry for any number of self-care uses.

Bloomscape Lavender $35.00

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Rubber Plant


  • Botanical NameFicus elastica
  • Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light
  • Soil Type: Well-drained potting mix
  • Soil pH: 5.5 to 7.0

Another dramatic plant that will immediately change the ambiance of any room, the Ficus elastica, or a rubber tree, is a relative to the ever-popular fiddle-leaf tree—but is much easier going than its fickle cousin.

“The Rubber Tree is known to reduce mold and bacteria in any room by as much as 50 percent, and they remove formaldehyde,” Mast says. “They are very tolerant of neglect and can be grown with very little experience. It can thrive in indirect, bright light and will also adjust to a lower light area, but the leaf colors may not be as pronounced.”

PlantVine Ficus Elastica ‘Burgundy’ $25.00

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Parlor Palm


  • Botanical Name: Chamaedorea elegans
  • Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light
  • Soil Type: Well-drained potting mix
  • Soil pH: 5.1 to 7.5

If you’re looking to bring the tropics to you, parlor palms are your best friend. They may start small, but these little dwarf palms can reach up to four feet tall indoors for maximum drama. And unlike many tropical plants, these guys can adapt to lower light situations, though they’ll still require some humidity.

“This slow-growing, air-purifying compact palm thrives in a variety of light situations and tight spaces,” Mast says. “Its dark green fronds create a bushy, lush plant perfect for tabletops, dressers, and shelves. The Parlor Palm will do best in bright, filtered light, but will readily adapt to lower light found in some bedrooms.”

Place it on a tray of pebbles with a bit of water or near a humidifier with any other humidity-loving plants. Keep the soil evenly moist and fertilize in warmer months.

The Sill Parlor Palm $23.00

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Kimberly Queen Fern


  • Botanical Name: Nephrolepis obliterata
  • Sun Exposure: Low to bright indirect light
  • Soil Type: Moist but well-drained potting soil
  • Soil pH: 6.1 to 6.5

“Kimberly Queen Ferns are also excellent air purifiers, filtering out formaldehyde and xylene,” Mast notes. “They are said to be natural humidifiers and are a great choice if the air moisture is low in your home.”

These ferns are a great low maintenance choice, just be sure to keep it out of the direct sunlight and keep soil moist.

Bloomscape Kimberly Queen Fern $65.00

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Chinese Evergreen


  • Botanical Name: Aglaonema
  • Sun Exposure: Low to bright, indirect light
  • Soil Type: Well-draining potting soil
  • Soil pH: 5.6 to 6.5

If you’re looking for a splash of vibrancy, consider a Chinese evergreen, which comes in all sorts of bright colors and wild patterns. This vivacious yet compact jungle plant is another easy-going option that tolerates most any lighting condition—for low light rooms, choose a green variety though, as more colorful variegations will need more light.

The leaves of the Chinese evergreen help filter harmful toxins out of the air and emit oxygen, helping you to breathe and sleep better.

Greendigs Red Chinese Evergreen Plant $55.00

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Pilea Peperomioides


  • Botanical Name: Pilea peperomioides
  • Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light
  • Soil Type: Well-drained potting soil
  • Soil pH: 6.0 to 7.0

Pilea peperomioides are known for their unique round foliage, like to be kept on the dry side, and are more of tabletop or nightstand plants—so if finding floor space in your bedroom is an issue, this is a great for you. Treat it right by avoiding overwatering and giving it plenty of light, and it will flourish for many years.

The Sill Pilea Peperomioides $22.00

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  • Botanical NameEpipremnum aureum
  • Sun Exposure: Low to bright, indirect light
  • Soil Type: Well-drained potting mix
  • Soil pH: 6.1 to 6.5

When you think of long, trailing vines, the first thing that comes to mind is probably pothos, or devil’s ivy. According to Mast, this trailing plant enjoys low to bright indirect light areas, is very easy to care for, and looks lovely as a hanging plant, as its patterned green leaves drape over.

“Feel free to take a little cutting from this one and share the plant love,” Mast suggests. “These are easy to propagate. Trailing plants such as Silver Pothos are perfect for hangers and the tops of shelves because they naturally ‘spill’ and trail as they grow.”

Bloomscape Silver Pothos $35.00

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Ponytail Palm


  • Botanical Name: Beaucarnea recurvata
  • Sun Exposure: Low to bright indirect light
  • Soil Type: Palm potting mix
  • Soil pH: 6.5 to 7.5

“Ponytail Palm is a drought-tolerant succulent that is perfectly happy being watered every 4 weeks and left alone to soak up the sunlight, as it has a bulb-like trunk that is used to store water,” Mast notes.

Bloomscape Ponytail Palm $65.00

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Peacock Plant


  • Botanical NameCalathea makoyana
  • Sun Exposure: Low to medium light
  • Soil Type: Moist but well-drained
  • Soil pH: Acidic

Mast loves this pick, as it is one of her favorite plants right now. “Not only do I adore the gorgeous markings and patterns on the foliage, but it also an air purifier, so it contributes to a healthier indoor environment,” she says.

A Calathea Peacock is also quite an entertaining addition to your bedroom: they close and raise their leaves at night and open them again in the morning, owing this ability to a small joint between the leaf and stem. Light moves the joints and, as a result, Calathea’s leaves open and close, according to Mast.

Plus, new leaves emerge from the center of the plant in a cone or trumpet shape as if announcing their arrival.

Target Calathea Peacock Plant $27.00

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Spider Plant


  • Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum
  • Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect light
  • Soil Type: Well-drained potting soil
  • Soil pH: 6.0 to 7.2

The spider plant is one of those classic houseplants that’s nearly impossible to kill. This, paired with its long, lush leaves that filter toxins out of the air, make it a popular choice for any space. Hang it in front of a bright window to take advantage of its draping, arching shape, and it may reward you with baby offshoots that you can grow into new plants.

Just be careful not to overwater—the spider plant’s roots tend to hold onto moisture so err on the side of less is more. Spider Plant $45.00

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ZZ Plant


  • Botanical Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia
  • Sun Exposure: Low to bright, indirect light
  • Soil Type: All-purpose potting soil
  • Soil pH: 6.0 to 7.0

In terms of plant care, it doesn’t get much easier than ZZ plants.

“This plant is tough—making it perfect for the home and a forgetful plant owner,” Mast says. “The ZZ is known as an extremely hardy plant that is able to survive for months without water and will grow well in very low areas. This plant is also ideal for windowless rooms where it will only receive a small amount of light from fluorescent lights.”

Just remember that ZZ plants are toxic if ingested, so be careful around kids and pets.

Bloomscape ZZ Plant $150.00

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Dumb Cane Plant



  • Botanical NameDieffenbachia
  • Sun Exposure: Low to bright light
  • Soil Type: Well-draining potting mix
  • Soil pH: 6.1 to 6.5

This lush jungle plant would look stunning just about anywhere you put it thanks to its full, uniquely patterned leaves. The dumb cane will thrive in bright, indirect light, but will tolerate low light conditions, too. In general, it prefers warm, humid spaces, so keep away from drafty windows and consider placing near a humidifier.

Note that, if the stem or leaves are chewed, it’ll cause swelling, pain, and temporary speechlessness (hence the nickname), so be careful to keep out of reach of pets and small children.

Lively Root Dieffenbachia Tiki $52.00

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